澳洲境内杰出人才类永久签证 Distinguished Talent Visa (858 Visa)

1. 858 签证针对人群 (Who Could Get This Visa)


858 Visa is for people with a distinguished talent and lets applicant live permanently in Australia.


2. 858 签证申请条件 (Application Requirements)

国际成就 International achievement


You have an internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in a profession, a sport, the arts, or academia and research and are still prominent in the field in the future. And your achievements need to be acclaimed as exceptional in any country where the relevant field is practised. The field would also need to have recognition and acceptance in Australia as well as international standing.

对澳洲社会的贡献 Asset to the Australian community


You need to show that you would be of benefit to the Australian community, economically, socially or culturally, or by raising Australia’s sporting, artistic or academic standing internationally. This means your settlement would contribute to the nation as a whole - not just a local community.


If you are younger than 18 or at least 55 years of age when you apply, you must be of exceptional benefit to the Australian community.

提名 Nomination


You must be nominated by an eligible person or organization with a national reputation in your field. They must also be highly regarded throughout Australia. A reputation confined to one state or region would not be considered national.


  • 澳大利亚顶尖机构或组织

  • 澳洲公民

  • 澳洲永久居民

  • 合格的新西兰公民

英语能力 English Language Ability


You should have at least functional English. Applicants and defendants (18 years and older) who cannot provide evidence of having at least functional English must pay a second instalment of the visa application charge.



3. 858 签证申请流程 (Application Process)

准备文件 (Prepare your documents)

You need to provide documents to prove the claims you make in the application. The documents are listed in the Document checklist.

858 申请人签证资料

  • 提名者提供的资料和提名者的证明(如工作安排等)

  • 相关的资格证书或者其他的奖励(包括某些国际认证机构授予的证书或奖励)

  • 澳洲政府机构、专业人员、科学界、文化界或其他相关团体的建议

  • 无犯罪记录证明

  • 能够在澳洲建立企业或找到工作的证明

  • 充足的资金

  • 英语能力证明

  • 个人和家庭资料

网上申请 (Lodge Your Application Online)



Pay the visa application charge by credit card when you apply. You must also send your documents as soon as you lodge your online application. Lodge your documents by registered post to the Adelaide office in South Australia

4. 858 签证类别 (Category)

此签证是一个永久性签证 (Permanent)

5. 858 签证费用 (Cost)


6. 858 签证更多信息 (More Information)



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