居留:新西兰父母团聚移民申请指南 Residence: Family: Parent



新西兰移民局自2012年7月30日开始执行新的父母类团聚移民政策。主要是将父母移民分为两类:一类(优先类)和二类(普通类)(Tier one 和Tier two)。


Tier one 大约为:12个月;Tier two EOI的周期最长可达:7年。



  1. 身体健康;
  2. 无犯罪记录;
  3. 没有受供养子女;
  4. 有满足条件的新西兰子女为你提供担保;
  5. 满足英语要求或者购买英语课程:
  • 雅思有2项4分或以上(2年之内),或证明是有能力使用英文者,或完成了英文授课的学历,或 萨摩公民通过移民官面试;
  • 在无法提供英文能力的情况下,申请人可以购买政府指定的英文课程ESOL(English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) tuition ),学费为1735纽币。ESOL的有效期为5年,申请人在5年之内学完即可。
  1. 满足tier one 或 tier two的要求。
  2. 某些情况下祖父母和监护人也可以申请:
  • 如果是祖父母申请,需证明担保人的父母已经去世(即申请人的子女已经去世了);
  • 如果是监护人申请,需证明担保人的父母已经去世。
  1. 符合条件的配偶可以随行。

Tier one(优先类)要求符合以下任何一个条件:

  • 主申请人(被担保人)“长期保证收入”为最低27319纽币每年,连带配偶一起申请为纽币40084每年;
  • 或者携带50万纽币的置业资金到新西兰(必须是合法收入合法转账,必须在移民批准时起1年内转入新西兰);
  • 担保人(子女)或者担保人的配偶有每年至少纽币65000的收入,或者担保人和配偶一共每年至少有纽币90000的收入。
  • You must meet one of these requirements:
    • have a sponsor (or sponsor’s partner) who earns NZ$65,000 per annum or whose combined income is NZ$90,000 per annum
    • have a guaranteed lifetime minimum income of at least NZ$27,319 per annum or NZ$40,084 per annum if your partner is included
      bring at least NZ$500,000 in settlement funds to New Zealand.

Tier two( 普通类)需要符合条件为:

  • 担保人(子女)或者担保人的配偶至少有33675纽币的年收入。并且;
  • 申请人(父母)的其他成年子女和申请人是不同一国家的居民(即且所有的成年子女都在你目前定居的国家之外合法定居)。
  • You must meet both of these requirements:
  • have a sponsor (or sponsor’s partner) who earns a gross income of at least NZ$33,675 – sponsors who receive New Zealand Government benefits are not eligible Tier Two sponsors
  • have all your adult children living lawfully and permanently outside the country in which you (and your partner) live lawfully and permanently.



  1. 18周岁以上。但是在18岁-24岁之间的,移民局必须审核该子女是否被考虑为“未成年子女”,如果是未成年子女,那该子女就没有担保资格;
  2. 常住在新西兰;
  3. 递交申请前,持有新西兰永久居民签证或者成为新西兰公民至少3年,并且每年(12个月)在新西兰居住至少184天;
  4. 没有受到2009年移民法案Section 49的限制;
  5. 没被驱逐出境;
  6. 满足财政要求;
  7. 为被担保人提供帮助。


申请人首先需要提交移民意向申请EOI( Expression of Interest ),如果EOI被选中,移民局对其做初步评估发现满足要求后,会向申请人发出邀请函ITA(InvitationtoApply),申请人收到ITA后,需要在4个月内递交正式的签证申请。

Once your EOI has been selected, it will be sent to your nearest INZ branch for an initial assessment. If you appear to meet the requirements for the tier you have applied under, you will be invited to apply for residence under the Parent Category. You must lodge an application within four months of being invited to apply. If you do not, the invitation will lapse.


  1. 最先优先选处理“一类”的移民意向,按照递交的时间顺序;
  2. 第二优先处理在2012年5月16日之前递交的家庭类移民,按照递交的时间顺序;
  3. 最后处理的是“二类”的移民意向,而且是在“一类”和旧政策2012年5月16日的申请都处理完了的情况下。

EOI每隔3个月进行一次筛选,每次筛选的数量,取决于家庭类移民年度名额。(The number of places available in each selection draw depends on the number of places available under the New Zealand Residence Programme.)

由于申请数量较多,预计2016年6月前,不会筛选tier two类别的EOI。下一轮的tier one类别EOI筛选日期是2016年5月16日。详细的EOI筛选时间可以参考官网: Immigration New Zealand


2016/02/15筛选情况: 总共筛选的EOI为740个,申请人总数为1264个。
2015/11/16筛选情况: 总共筛选的EOI为737个,申请人总数为1203个。


申请人需要填写EOI申请表( Parent Category Expression of Interest Form (INZ 1202))(此表格无法在线提交),并将此申请表和420纽币的申请费,寄到:

Immigration New Zealand
PO Box 276118
Auckland Mail Centre
New Zealand


在中国申请父母团聚签证的费用(2015 年 12 月7 日更新的):

  • 申请费9365元人民币;
  • 申请人需要向签证中心支付签证服务费225元人民币;
  • 需要邮寄护照而非亲自前往签证中心取件的申请人,需要支付每本护照人民币50元的邮费

新西兰父母团聚移民申请官网(2015/02/23): Immigration New Zealand


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  • 年龄18周岁以上,成为新西兰永久(或公民)3年且这三年内每年在新西兰实际居住不少于184天
  • 年收入达到65000纽币可以担保 Tier One 类优先类别,年收入达到33675纽币可以担保 Tier Two 普通类别


  • 身体健康(移民体检),无犯罪,没有 24 岁以下的受供养子女(Dependent children)。
  • 在新西兰有符合上面要求的成年子女(在新西兰定居3年以上,每年至少住半年且有合格收入)。

Tier One 类别周期一年左右,能否申请取决与收入状况,子女年收入达到65000或子女家庭(夫妻两人)总收入达到9万纽币可以直接担保父母 Tier One。

另外,如果申请人(父母一方)财富状态满足也可以直接申请 Tier One,具体要求是 Guaranteed lifetime minimum income 年收入达到27682纽币(单身)或40688(夫妻两人)。一般可以认为是退休金或养老保险收入。

Guaranteed lifetime minimum income is defined as an annual income that is paid to a person indefinitely. Income can only be considered ‘indefinite’ if it will continue to be paid once someone becomes a New Zealand resident and citizen.

申请 Tier two 普通类别的话周期可能会长达7年,这种情况对担保人收入要求低,对申请人(父母)没有收入要求,但要求父母在自己的国家身边没有其他子女(all of your adult children must live lawfully and permanently outside the country that you (and your partner) reside)。
另外申请人(父母一方)也可以直接证明可以提供 50 万纽币合法收入的定居资金。这个是以家庭为单位的,可以是父母一方的,也可以是父母一起的。

To meet the minimum income requirements applicants must bring at least NZ$500,000 to New Zealand, demonstrate ownership of those funds and assets, and demonstrate that the funds and assets have been earned or acquired legally and be are unencumbered.


父母英语达不到雅思有2项4分(2年有效期)的话需要支付 NZ$1,735。其次是440纽币的 EOI 申请费。

签证申请费(纽币 1,670),中国地区申请人在上海签证处理中心处理,费用是:

CNY 9,365
USD 1,405

Fee/Levy Related Notes

  • An immigration levy is payable and is included in the total amount below.

Shanghai Branch
Fee/Levy Information
Branch Details
Website: http://www.vfsglobal.cn/NewZealand/China/
Email: infosha.nzcn@vfshelpline.com
Postal Address: New Zealand Visa Application Centre
Jiushi Business Building
2nd Floor, 213 Sichuan Middle Road
Huangpu District
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8.00am - 3.00pm
Payment Methods
Personal Cheque
Bank Cheque/Draft NO
Money Order NO
Cash YES
Other Cash if lodging application in person.
Bank transfer if lodging application by mail/courier.
Other Fees Charged
Postage If you want us to return your passport by courier (not collect it) the fee is CNY50 per passport.
Other Fee/Levy Notes
  • Applicants must pay the visa application fee and immigration levy plus the following service fee:

    • 225 CNY per application

    • 205 CNY per applicant for Group Visas lodged by ADS agents

    • 225 CNY per applicant for Group Visas NOT lodged by ADS agents.
    • If you are resident in China but your application is being submitted from outside China - for example by a licensed immigration adviser or a family member, your application should be submitted directly to INZ Shanghai. See 'submitting an application from outside China'.


2016年4月新西兰移民最新签证申请费用: http://www.immigration.govt.nz/NR/rdonlyres/00B58004-04AB-46C6-B32B-5CE91FBA979A/0/INZ1028.pdf

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