73310 铁路和货场机车工程师 Railway and yard locomotive engineers-FLYabroad NOC 2021

73310 铁路和货场机车工程师 Railway and yard locomotive engineers-FLYabroad NOC

飞出国 NOC2021:73310 铁路机车工程师操作铁路机车来运输乘客和货物。他们受雇于铁路运输公司。场内机车工程师在铁路、工业或其他机构的场内操作机车。他们受雇于铁路运输公司和铁路运输的工业或商业用户。Railway locomotive engineers operate railway locomotives to transport passengers and freight. They are employed by railway transport companies. Yard locomotive engineers operate locomotives within yards of railway, industrial or other establishments. They are employed by railway transport companies and industrial or commercial users of rail transport.

73310 铁路和货场机车工程师示例职业名称 - 飞出国 Example titles-FLYabroad NOC

  • 机车工程师-铁路 / Locomotive engineer - railway
  • 铁路工程师 / Railway engineer
  • 开关工程师 - 铁路 / Switch engineer - railway
  • 运输车维修工 - 铁路 / Transfer hostler - railway
  • 堆场工程师 - 铁路 / Yard engineer - railway

73310 铁路和货场机车工程师主要职责 Main duties-FLYabroad NOC

73310 该小组执行以下部分或全部职责 This group performs some or all of the following duties:

73310 铁路机车工程师 Railway locomotive engineers

  • 操作机车在铁路上运送乘客和货物 / Operate locomotives to transport passengers and freight on railways
  • 操作通讯系统与列车乘务员和交通管制员沟通,以确保列车的安全运行和调度 / Operate communication systems to communicate with train crews and traffic controllers to ensure safe operation and scheduling of trains
  • 检查指定的机车并测试操作控制和设备 / Inspect assigned locomotives and test operating controls and equipment.

73310 场内机车工程师 Yard locomotive engineers

  • 操作机车切换、耦合和脱开车厢进行装卸 / Operate locomotives to switch, couple and uncouple cars for loading and unloading
  • 根据书面切换指令或调度指令进行切换操作 / Perform switching operations according to written switching orders or dispatched instructions
  • 检查机车、补充燃料或对机车进行日常维护 / Inspect locomotives, replenish fuel or perform routine maintenance on locomotives.

73310 铁路和货场机车工程师就业要求 Employment requirements-FLYabroad NOC

  • 通常需要完成中学学业 / Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 铁路机车工程师需要有列车员的经验,场站机车工程师可能需要 / Experience as a conductor is required for railway locomotive engineers and may be required for yard locomotive engineers.
  • 车场机车工程师可能需要铁路车场工人的经验 / Experience as a railway yard worker may be required for yard locomotive engineers.
  • 铁路机车工程师需要加拿大铁路运营规则证书 / Railway locomotive engineers require a Canadian Rail Operating Rules certificate.

73310 附加信息 Additional information

  • 由于集体协议的资历规定,铁路运输公司之间或雇用机车工程师的机构之间的流动可能会受到限制 / Mobility between railway transport companies or between establishments employing locomotive engineers may be limited due to seniority provisions of collective agreements.

73310 排除 Exclusions

  • 地铁运营商;轻轨运营商(73301 公交司机、地铁运营商和其他公交运营商) / Subway train operator; light rail transit operator (in 73301 Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators )
  • 铁路运输业务主管 (72023) / Supervisors, railway transport operations (72023)
  • 列车调度员(72604 铁路交通管制员和海上交通管制员) / Train dispatcher (in 72604 Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators)

73310 铁路和货场机车工程师职业名称 - 飞出国 All titles-FLYabroad NOC

  • 柴油机车工程师-铁路 / Diesel locomotive engineer - railway
  • 货运列车工程师 / Freight train engineer
  • 工业机车工程师 / Industrial locomotive engineer
  • 机车工程师-铁路 / Locomotive engineer - railway
  • 机车维修师 / Locomotive hostler
  • 旅客列车工程师 / Passenger train engineer
  • 旅客列车机车工程师 / Passenger train locomotive engineer
  • 铁路工程师 / Railway engineer
  • 铁路工程师实习生 / Railway engineer trainee
  • 铁路维修师 / Railway hostler
  • 铁路机车工程师 / Railway locomotive engineer
  • 开关工程师 - 铁路 / Switch engineer - railway
  • 培训工程师 / Train engineer
  • 运输维修师 - 铁路 / Transfer hostler - railway
  • 堆场工程师 - 铁路 / Yard engineer - railway
  • 场内机车工程师-铁路 / Yard locomotive engineer - railway

NOC 2021 中英文对照版由飞出国整理完成,转载请注明出处。