31303 助理医师、助产士和专职医疗人员 Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals -FLYabroad NOC 2021


31303 助理医师、助产士和专职医疗人员 Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals -FLYabroad NOC

飞出国 NOC2021:31303 医师助理和助产士与医生和其他卫生专业人员合作提供初级卫生保健和治疗。医师助理为患者提供一系列健康服务,为管理患者的健康提供预防性和持续性护理。助产士在产前和产后为妇女及其婴儿提供全程护理。该单元组还包括与初级卫生职业合作的专业人士,例如遗传咨询师、矫形师和病理学家助理。遗传咨询师评估个人或家庭的遗传病风险,并向个人、家庭和医疗保健提供者提供信息,以促进知情选择。视力矫正师诊断和治疗双眼疾病。病理学家的助手协助解剖和检查手术标本,或在病理学家的监督下进行尸体解剖。医师助理通常在私人执业医师的指导下工作,包括团体或团队执业、医院和诊所。助产士受雇于医院、诊所、分娩中心或私人诊所。遗传咨询师通常在私人诊所、医院、诊所和研究机构工作。矫形师在眼科医生的指导下工作,特别是在私人诊所或诊所。病理学家的助理通常受雇于医院和大学。Physician assistants and midwives provide primary health care and treatment in conjunction with physicians and in collaboration with other health professionals. Physician assistants provide a range of health services to patients delivering preventive and continuous care toward the management of patients’ health. Midwives provide full-course care to women and their babies during the pre- and post-natal period. This unit group also includes professionals, such as genetic counsellors, orthoptists and pathologists’ assistants, who work in collaboration with primary health occupations. Genetic counsellors assess individual or family risk of genetic conditions, and provide information to individuals, families and healthcare providers to promote informed choice. Orthoptists diagnose and treat binocular disorders. Pathologists’ assistants assist at autopsies and examinations of surgical specimens, or perform autopsies under a pathologist’s supervision. Physician assistants usually work under physicians in private practice, including group or team practices, hospitals and clinics. Midwives are employed in hospitals, clinics, birthing centres or in private practice. Genetic counsellors usually work in private practice, hospitals, clinics and research institutes. Orthoptists work under an ophthalmologist, particularly in private practices or clinics. Pathologists’ assistants are usually employed in hospitals and universities.

31303 助理医师、助产士和专职医疗人员示例职业名称 - 飞出国 Example titles-FLYabroad NOC

  • 遗传顾问 / Genetic counsellor
  • 助产士 / Midwife
  • 矫形师 / Orthoptist
  • 病理助理 / Pathology assistant
  • 医师助理 / Physician assistant

31303 助理医师、助产士和专职医疗人员主要职责 Main duties-FLYabroad NOC

31303 该小组执行以下部分或全部职责 This group performs some or all of the following duties:

31303 医师助理 Physician assistants

  • 进行患者面谈、身体评估并记录病史 / Conduct patient interviews, physical assessments and take medical histories
  • 执行或订购诊断测试并解释结果 / Perform or order diagnostic tests and interpret results
  • 与主管医师协商,制定和实施治疗计划并监测患者的进展 / In consultation with a supervising physician, formulate and implement treatment plans and monitor patients’ progress
  • 执行和协助小手术 / Perform and assist in minor surgery
  • 提供健康维护教育 / Provide health maintenance education
  • 可能参加研究活动 / May participate in research activities
  • 可以从有限的药物清单中开出处方 / May prescribe from a limited list of medications.

31303 助产士 Midwives

  • 为怀孕期间的妇女及其婴儿提供初级、全程的护理,例如体检、筛查和诊断测试,以监测母亲和婴儿的健康状况,并根据需要转诊给医学专家 / Provide primary, full-course, care to women and their babies during pregnancy, such as physical examinations, screening and diagnostic tests to monitor the health of mother and baby and make referrals to medical specialists as required
  • 管理分娩和自发正常分娩 / Manage labour and spontaneous normal deliveries
  • 照顾、评估和监测新生儿的健康,并根据需要将婴儿转诊到适当的医疗服务机构 / Care for, assess and monitor the health of newborns and refer infants to appropriate medical services as required
  • 提供有关新生儿和幼儿护理的建议和指导 / Provide advice and guidance regarding care for newborns and young infants.

31303 遗传顾问 Genetic counsellors

  • 为受遗传病影响或有遗传病风险的家庭提供信息和支持 / Provide information and support to families affected by or at risk of a genetic disorder
  • 收集和分析家族史和遗传模式,计算复发风险,并提供有关基因检测和相关程序的信息 / Gather and analyze family history and inheritance patterns, calculate risks of recurrence, and provide information about genetic testing and related procedures
  • 制定、实施或协调行动计划并将个人和家庭推荐给其他卫生专业人员 / Develop, implement or coordinate action plans and refer individuals and families to other health professionals
  • 为其他医疗保健专业人员或公众设计和实施遗传学培训计划 / Design and conduct genetics training programs for other healthcare professionals or the general public
  • 可能在医学遗传学和遗传咨询领域进行研究 / May conduct research in the field of medical genetics and genetic counselling.

31303 矫形师 Orthoptists

  • 与眼科医生合作,通过进行专门的眼科测试来测量和评估患者的双眼视力缺陷或眼球运动异常,从而诊断和治疗眼部疾病 / Work alongside ophthalmologists to diagnose and treat eye disorders by performing specialized eye tests to measure and assess defective binocular vision or abnormal eye movement in patients
  • 开出治疗方案,例如眼保健操或修补方案 / Prescribe treatment such as eye exercises or patching regimens.

31303 病理学家助手 Pathologists’ assistants

  • 通过获取患者的医疗记录和安排放射线检查来准备尸检 / Prepare for autopsies by obtaining patients’ medical records and arranging for radiographic examinations
  • 在病理学家的监督下准备、协助或进行尸检和手术标本检查 / Prepare, assist with or perform autopsies and surgical specimen examinations under pathologists’ supervision
  • 协助准备临时尸检报告 / Assist with preparation of provisional autopsy report
  • 解剖、检查、称重、拍摄和 X 射线器官和标本,收集组织样本进行化学分析并记录结果 / Dissect, examine, weigh, photograph and X-ray organs and specimens, collect tissue samples for chemical analysis and record findings
  • 根据既定的安全程序丢弃标本 / Discard specimens according to established safety procedures
  • 清洁和维护仪器、设备和用品 / Clean and maintain instruments, equipment and supplies
  • 开发和维护实验室质量控制流程 / Develop and maintain processes for laboratory quality control
  • 可能会在尸检完成后准备尸体,以便将其释放到殡仪馆 / May prepare bodies for release to funeral homes following completion of autopsies
  • 可能会监督和培训初级住院病理学家和停尸房服务员 / May supervise and train junior resident pathologists and morgue attendants.

31303 助理医师、助产士和专职医疗人员就业要求 Employment requirements-FLYabroad NOC

31303 医师助理 Physician assistants
  • 医师助理需要完成医师助理课程的大学学位 / Physician assistants require completion of a university degree in a physician assistant program.
  • 医师助理需要在曼尼托巴省和新不伦瑞克省的监管机构注册 / Physician assistants require registration with a regulatory body in Manitoba and New Brunswick.
31303 助产士 Midwives
  • 助产士需要完成助产学或同等学历的本科大学学位课程,并接受一段时间的监督实践培训 / Midwives require completion of an undergraduate university degree program in midwifery or its equivalent and a period of supervised practical training.
  • 新斯科舍省、新不伦瑞克省、魁北克省、安大略省、曼尼托巴省、萨斯喀彻温省、阿尔伯塔省、不列颠哥伦比亚省、西北地区和努纳武特地区的助产士需要在监管机构注册 / Registration with a regulatory body is required for midwives in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
31303 遗传顾问 Genetic counsellors
  • 遗传咨询师通常需要获得遗传咨询硕士学位和加拿大遗传咨询师协会 (CAGC) 的认证 / Genetic counsellors usually require a master’s degree in genetic counselling and the certification with the Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors (CAGC).
31303 矫形师 Orthoptists
  • 需要学士学位并完成为期两年的矫正矫正培训课程 / A bachelor’s degree and completion of a two-year accredited training program in orthoptics are required.
  • 需要加拿大矫形委员会的认证 / Certification with the Canadian Orthoptic Council is required.
  • 加拿大矫形委员会的重新认证需要继续教育 / Continuing education is required for recertification with the Canadian Orthoptic Council.
31303 病理学家的助手 Pathologists’ assistants
  • 病理学家助理通常需要完成病理学家助理课程的硕士学位 / Pathologists’ assistants usually require completion of a master’s degree in a pathologists’ assistant program.
  • 雇主通常需要加拿大病理学家助理认证委员会、美国临床病理学会 - 认证委员会或病理学家助理认证考试的认证 / Certification by the Canadian Certification Council of Pathologists’ Assistants, the American Society for Clinical Pathology – Board of Certification, or Pathologists’ Assistant Certification Examination is usually required by employers.
  • 加拿大病理学家协会国家协会的会员资格是自愿的,但某些雇主可能会要求加入 / Membership in the national association, Canadian Association of Pathologists, is voluntary, but may be required by some employers.

31303 附加信息 Additional information

  • 未经进一步培训,这些职业之间没有流动性 / There is no mobility between these occupations without further training.
  • 矫形师也可以接受眼科技术人员或技术人员的培训 / Orthoptists may also be trained as ophthalmic technicians or technologists.
  • 眼科医生通常作为医疗团队的一部分工作,医疗团队包括眼科医生、配镜师和其他眼科医疗人员 / Orthoptists often work as part of a medical team which includes ophthalmologists, opticians and other ophthalmic medical personnel.

31303 排除 Exclusions

  • 全科医生和家庭医生 (31102) / General practitioners and family physicians (31102)
  • 医疗保健管理人员 (30010) / Managers in health care (30010)
  • 执业护士 (31302) / Nurse practitioners (31302)
  • 其他自然疗法的从业者 (32209) / Other practitioners of natural healing (32209)
  • 其他健康诊疗专业(31209) / Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating (31209)
  • 注册护士和注册精神科护士 (31301) / Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses (31301)
  • 临床和检验医学专家 (31100) / Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine (31100)
  • 外科专家 (31101) / Specialists in surgery (31101)
  • 中医师和针灸师 (32200) / Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists (32200)

31303 助理医师、助产士和专职医疗人员职业名称 - 飞出国 All titles-FLYabroad NOC

  • 首席矫形师 / Chief orthoptist
  • 临床矫形师 / Clinical orthoptist
  • 遗传顾问 / Genetic counsellor
  • 有执照的助产士 / Licensed midwife
  • 助产士 / Midwife
  • 矫形师 / Orthoptist
  • 病理学家助理 / Pathologists’ assistant
  • 病理助理 / Pathology assistant
  • 医师助理 / Physician assistant
  • 注册助产士 (RM) / Registered midwife (RM)

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