安省省提名需要雇主offer的外国工人类别的申请要求和流程 OINP Foreign Worker

安省需要雇主offer的外国工人类别 OINP Foreign Worker - 飞出国

雇主可以通过普通类别(General Category)雇佣外国工人,通过留学生类别中有雇主ofer的留学生类别(International Student With Job Offer Stream within the International Student Category)招聘留学生。

申请人申请前必须保证 - Fcg:

  • 雇主已经申请了职位的预申请。
  • 雇主申请职位被批准。
  • 雇主发给你已经签字的 批准信 approval letter 和 Joint Verification form,以及预申请职位表 Pre-screen Position form

安省外国工人类别申请要求 - 飞出国


  • 近五年内至少有两年(24个月)打算从事职业的工作经验,如果申请的是安省监管职业,还需要注册。
  • 无论是在加拿大境内还是境外获得的工作经验,安省只认可可验证的,相关的,和带薪的全职工作经验,不认可无偿或者志愿者工作。此外,在加拿大获得的工作经验,安省只接受经过CIC批准的工作的经验(如持有工作许可),且是近5年内的。
  • NOC 0,A或B级别的永久全职工作。的机会安大略:省提名计划批准具有仍然有效。
  • 如果申请人当前在加拿大境内 ,需要有合法的身份。
  • 雇主签字的 approval letter 和 Joint Verification form ,以及 Pre-screen Position form。

安省外国工人提名申请流程 - 飞出国

Step 1:雇主提交预申请 [Pre-screen Application]
Step 2: 申请人提交提名申请。

安省外国工人需要提交的材料 - 飞出国

  • Employer Pre-Screen Approved Position Form.
  • Joint Verification Form.
  • Job offer which will indicate your prospective occupation title and wage for the full-time, permanent position being offered.
  • 出生证明复印件;
  • 护照所有页复印件;
  • 随行人员的护照首页复印件;
  • 如适用:工作许可,访问记录,临时签证,加拿大移民文件的复印件。如果这些文件在护照体现,则不用另外提交文件;
  • 简历复印件;
  • 监管职业的安省注册证明;
  • 近5年内至少提供2年推荐信。

You will also need to submit the following supporting documents, along with your application, to demonstrate that you meet Opportunities Ontario eligibility criteria and to confirm your identity, family situation and work experience:

  • A copy of your Birth certificate.
  • A copy of all the pages of your passport. All prospective nominees should ensure that their passports will be valid for at least two years from the time that they submit their nominee application.
  • Copy of each dependant’s passport page which shows his/her photo and personal information.
  • A copy of your work permit (if applicable), visitor record (if applicable), temporary resident visa (if applicable), and/or any other Canadian immigration document or entry stamp you have received. If these documents are inside your copied passport, you do not need to make additional copies.
  • A copy of your resumé.
  • Proof of membership and/or registration in regulated occupations if you intend to work in an occupation that requires registration or certification in Ontario.
  • Reference letters showing at least 2 years of experience in the previous 5 years for your intended occupation. For work experience obtained in Canada, Opportunities Ontario will accept full-time work experience that is verifiable, relevant, paid and obtained with proper work authorization from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (e.g., work permit) within the most recent five years. Unpaid, unauthorized or volunteer experience will not be accepted.(Updated on Aug. 4, 2010)


安省外国工人提名申请处理周期 - flyabroad

  • 雇主申请:64个工作日或90个自然日;
  • 提名人申请:64个工作日或90个自然日;
  • 复审请求:85个工作日或120个自然日;

安省外国工人提名申请费用 - flyabroadvisa


安省外国工人提名申请获批后 - 飞出国


安省外国工人提名申请被拒后 - flyabroad






当前有萨省和BC省雇主项目。OINP 雇主担保类项目当前还维持2016年政策,申请费还是比较高,大多伦多地区 2000 加币,其他地区 1500 加币。详见申请指南 Application Guide for Nominees: Foreign Workers - Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program:OINP-Foreign-Workers-Job-Offer-oi_app_guide_nom_000-20150724-flyabroad.pdf (585.7 KB)。

For applicants with a job offer from an Ontario employer, the nominee application fee is $2,000 for those with job offers in the Greater Toronto Area, and $1,500 for those with job offers outside of the Greater Toronto Area.

For applicants with a job offer from a foreign company making an investment under the Investment Component in Ontario, the nominee application fee is $3,500.

This fee can be paid by either the applicant or the employer, but must be included in the nominee application package.