纽芬兰省国际留学生类别(NLPNP International Graduate)

飞出国:NLPNP International Graduate 类别面向在加拿大毕业的国际留学生,要求完成2年以上的学历或学位教育,只是有一半课程是在加拿大完成的,对在 NL 省毕业的留学生只要获得 NL 当地雇主 offer 就可以申请,对在加拿大其他省份毕业的,需要持 job offer 在 NL 工作一年以上才能申请。


  • 至少完成一半学业或已从加拿大公立大学毕业;
  • 完成最少2年的全日制学位课程,或完成一年的研究生学位课程;
  • 获得所研究领域或相关领域的全职工作邀请;
  • 在获得学位证的两年内申请纽省提名;
  • 拥有加拿大合法工作地位,即拥有加拿大毕业工作签证;
  • 能够说明其永久定居纽省的目的和能力;
  • 获得有晋升机会的工作邀请;
  • 工作邀请不违反法律法规;
  • 能够证明其有足够的资金和财力在纽芬兰安置其家属;
  • 能够证明自己拥有良好的英语或法语语言能力来完成其工作职责。申请者的英语语言能力必须通过以下检测中的任意一项:
    • 纽省雇主出示的英语语言能力证明书;
    • 教育或培训证明文件;
  • 如果申请者在纽省境外的大学毕业,在申请纽省提名前需要有最少1年的相关工作经历。

注意: 申请加拿大国家职业分类代码表中的C和D类职业的申请者需要满足最低语言要求。


  • 还未完成学业的留学生;

  • 以难民身份居住在纽芬兰的人员;

  • 机构或政府赞助的加拿大留学生,毕业后需回到其出生国家;

  • 家庭成员有严重的身体健康问题;

  • 成年家庭成员有犯罪记录;

  • 申请者有未解决的子女监护或抚养纠纷;

  • 申请者在其申请中没有如实陈述自身情况;

  • 雇主没有如实陈述他们或申请者在企业中的地位与职责。



飞出国: NLPNP International Graduate 类别面向在加拿大毕业的国际留学生,要求完成2年以上的学历或学位教育,只是有一半课程是在加拿大完成的,对在 NL 省毕业的留学生只要获得 NL 当地雇主 offer 就可以申请,对在加拿大其他省份毕业的,需要持 job offer 在 NL 工作一年以上才能申请。

International Graduate – This category is for recent graduates who have a Post-Graduate Work Permit and a job or job offer from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer.

Who is eligible for the International Graduate category?

You are eligible to apply under the International Graduate category if you:

  • Have completed at least half of your studies in Canada and have graduated from an eligible publicly funded Canadian college or university (students must send proof of graduation with their application);
  • Have completed a minimum of a two-year diploma or degree program, while studying on a full-time basis. One-year post-graduate degree programs and certificate programs which require a previous degree or diploma (which may have been obtained abroad), are also eligible.
  • Have a full-time job offer in your field of study, or a related field of study, from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer;
  • Have legal status to work in Canada; that is to say, have an Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Post-Graduate Work Permit. Work permits that are submitted with the PNP application must have duration of six months remaining prior to expiry date.
  • Have the qualifications, training, skills, and accreditation required for the job;
  • Can demonstrate the intention and ability to settle permanently in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  • Have a job or job offer that has compensation in the form of a salary and benefits package that meets provincial employment standards and prevailing wage rates;
  • Have a job or job offer that has opportunity for advancement;
  • Have a job or job offer that does not contravene existing bargaining unit agreements or any employment disputes;
  • Can demonstrate that you have sufficient financial resources to successfully establish yourself and any dependents in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  • Can demonstrate sufficient English or French language capability to perform the employment duties. Your English language ability must be verified by one of the following:
    • An Affidavit of English Language Ability from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer who has offered you a full-time job; or
    • Education and/or training documents
  • If you completed your studies at a recognized post-secondary institute outside of Newfoundland and Labrador, you may be required to work in a job that is in your field of study for a minimum of 1 year prior to submission of your PNP application.

飞出国 2016年6月版 NLPNP 留学生类别申请指南: NLPBP-International Graduate-IGApplicationGuide-20160602-flyabroad.pdf (181.1 KB)。

NLPNP INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE 申请人整个申请过程中都需要在持续有效工作,否则可能会被拒签。

NLPNP International Graduate Category 没有申请费,在加拿大境内的可以提供复印件,加拿大境外申请需要提供公证件,材料清单及联系方式见下面。

If you lose or quit your job during the nomination process, you may lose your eligiblity and your nomination and/or Permanent Residency application may be cancelled. If you are experiencing issues with your employment, contact your PNP Officer immediately.

  • If you have a Post-Graduate Work Permit, you must apply under the International Graduate Category;
  • There is no fee for the International Graduate Category;
  • If you are currently in the province, we will accept copies of original supporting documents with your application. If you are currently outside of the province, we require notarized copies;
  • Ensure that your passports and work permits are valid and not expired;
  • Please note you may be required to participate in an interview with a NLPNP Program Officer;
  • Ensure that you include your Federal forms with your NLPNP application. If you are nominated, these forms will be returned to you to submit with your immigration application;
  • Review your application and document checklist before applying. If you have any questions during this process, please contact:
    • Email: pnp@gov.nl.ca
    • Phone: (709) 729-6607

Please send your application to:

Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism
Advanced Education and Skills
100 Prince Phillip Drive
P.O. Box 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6

飞出国 NLPNP 省提名技术移民材料清单(适用于 NLPNP INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE 类别)-20160602:NLPNP Skilled Worker DocumentChecklist-20160602-flyabroad.pdf (220.5 KB)。