加拿大学习许可签证材料清单(Study Permit)

加拿大学习许可综述 (study permit) 继续讨论:

加拿大学习许可签证材料清单 - 飞出国

  1. Completed “Application for a Study Permit” (IMM 1294). If the applicant’s spouse or common-law partner and/or children are planning to accompany the applicant, they will need to complete their own application using the appropriate application form.
    填写完整的“学习许可申请表” (IMM 1294)。如果申请人的配偶或普通法伴侣、及/或子女计划与之同行,他们也需使用正确的申请表格完整填写各自的申请信息。

  2. Completed “Family Composition Information and Details of Education and Employment” form for the applicant, completed in English or French AND Chinese. 申请人完整填写的“家属表和教育及就业细节表”,请使 用中英文或中法文填写。

  3. Completed “Family Composition Information and Details of Education and Employment” form for the applicant’s mother and father, completed in English or French AND Chinese. 申请人的父亲和母亲分别完整填写“家属表和教育及就业 信息表”,请使用中英文或中法文填写。

  4. Two (2) identical photos. Colour or black and white, taken against a plain white or light coloured background within the last 6 months. The frame size is 35mm X 45mm. On the back
    of one photo in each set, write the name in pinyin and date of birth (date/month/year) of the person appearing in the photo.
    申请人需递交两张相同的在最近六个月内拍摄的彩色或黑 白照片,背景为纯白色或浅色。相片外框大小为35毫米X45毫米。每张照片后以拼音注明此人的姓名及出生日期(日/月/年)。

  5. A valid passport. There must be one completely blank page other than the last page, available in the passport and the passport must be valid for at least six (6) months prior to travel. 本人有效护照。护照须包含除最后一页外的至少一整页空 白页,且必须在行程前至少六个月内有效。

  6. Copy of your national identity document (two sides)

  7. Two (2) self-addressed adhesive labels with the applicant’s current address in Chinese characters (no envelope). 两份用中文写有申请人现住址的粘性贴纸(无需信封)。

  8. The correct application processing fee paid in cash. Fee is non-refundable. 以现金支付正确的申请受理费。受理费不予退还。

  9. A copy of the medical examination form given to applicant by the Designated Medical Practitioner (If a medical examination has been completed). 由指定体检医师提供的体检表格副本(如果体检已完成)

  10. A copy of the Letter of Acceptance from the Admissions
    /Registrar’s Office of a Canadian school, showing the exact amount of tuition fees applicant is required to pay, the anticipated starting and finishing dates, the latest date the applicant may register.
    加拿大学校录取/登记办公室的录取通知书复印件,显示申 请人需缴纳的准确学费金额、预期的学习起止时间以及申 请人最迟的可注册时间。

  11. A Study Plan as described in the study permit application kit.

  12. The “Use of a Representative” form (IMM5476E) if someone has assisted you in making this application. 如有第三方人士帮助你准备此次申请,请填写代理人信息 表IMM5476E。

  13. Custodianship Declaration from your parent(s) and from the custodian in Canada if you are under 18 years of age (for schools in Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Québec and Saskatchewan) or under 19 years of age (for schools in British Columbia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, North West Territories, Nunavut and the Yukon). The Custodianship Declaration can be obtained at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/pub/custodian-parent.pdf
    18岁以下且就读学校位于阿尔伯塔省、曼尼托巴省、安大 略省、爱德华王子岛省、魁北克省或萨斯喀彻温省;或19 岁以下且就读学校位于不列颠哥伦比亚省、纽布朗斯维克 省、纽芬兰省、新斯科舍省、西北领地、努纳武特地区或 育 空 省 。 监 护 声 明 可 从 以 下 地 址 获 得 :http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/pub/custodian-parent.pdf

  14. If studying in Québec, evidence of a valid Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (CAQ). 若计划在魁北克省学习,递交一份有效的魁北克省接受函 (CAQ)。

  15. The original household registration (hukou).

  16. A notarized copy of any University or College Diploma granted, plus transcripts for any program for which applicant is currently enrolled. If the applicant has not yet graduated, please indicate the expected date of graduation and whether the applicant will receive a degree, diploma or certificate. 曾经获得的所有大学或学院学历的公证件, 以及所有就读 中的课程成绩单。如果仍未毕业,请注明预计毕业日期以 及其将获得何种学位、学历或证书。

  17. A notarized copy of applicant’s Senior Middle School Graduation Certificate and Transcripts with the chop of the school’s Registrar’s Office. 高中毕业证书的公证件,以及高中登记办公室加盖公章的 成绩单公证件。

18.A notarized copy of applicant’s No Criminal Activity Certificate. Applicant must obtain a police certificate from each country or territory where applicant has lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18. 无犯罪记录证明的公证件。申请人年满18 岁后,若在中国 以外某国家或地区曾连续居住六个月或以上、均必须从此 国/地区获取警方无犯罪记录证明。

19.Evidence of accumulated funds that show a history of at least twelve (12) months. In order to demonstrate this, we require all of the following:

  • original Certificates of Deposit, dated within the last two (2) months showing current funds available;
  • original deposit slips and/or original bank passbooks; and
  • a written explanation as to the source of funds.

反映至少十二个月资金累积历史的证明。鉴于此,我们要 求如下:

  • 日期为最近两个月内的显示现有可用资金的存款证明 原件;
  • 存单原件及/或存折原件;以及
  • 资金来源的书面说明。

Documents pertaining to other types of assets such as stock market accounts, business transactions and real estate transactions may be included, although these should not be used to replace the documents requested above. If no clear documentary evidence is available, applicant may provide a written explanation.
其它形式资产的相关文件,如股市账户、商业交易文件及 房地产交易文件;虽然不能替代上述所需文件,但可以附 于申请内。若无法提供文件证明,申请人也可以提供一份 书面说明。

20.Evidence of applicant’s parents’ income/employment. In order to demonstrate this, we require the following:

  • Original letters of employment from the current employer of each parent including: full name, address and telephone number of the parent’s employer; parent’s length of service, position, salary for the last two years, any bonuses and additional income. If applicant is being supported by a person other than his/her parents, the same information is required for them; and/or
  • Original of each parent’s Income Tax Receipts issued by the local Tax Bureau for the past twelve (12) months indicating the amount of income tax paid under the individual’s name.


  • 申请人父/ 母各自的现任雇主出具的雇佣证明信原 件,包含父/母各自雇主的全称、地址和电话;父/母 在该处就业年限、职务、最近两年的收入、有无任何 奖金和额外收入。如果申请人由父母以外的人士资 助,请按照以上要求提供相应信息;及/或
  • 地方税务机关出具的最近十二个月中父/母各自个人 收入所得税的缴税单原件,包含缴税人姓名及其名下 所缴纳的金额。

21.If either or both of applicant’s parents own a business or part of a business, submit:

  • A notarized copy of the business registration
  • Recent tax receipts
  • Audited financial statements and capital verification reports for the most recent fiscal year.


  • 营业登记证的公证件
  • 近期的缴税单据
  • 公司上一个财务年度的财务审计报表和验资报告

22.If applicant is employed, submit: Original letter of employment including: full name, address and telephone number of the employer; length of service, position, salary for the last two years, any bonuses and additional income.
如果申请人在职,请递交:雇佣证明信原件,包含雇主的全称、地址和电话;申 请人在该处就业年限、职务、最近两年的收入、有无 任何奖金和额外收入。

23.If applicant is receiving any funding from a school in Canada or other organization; submit: Original letter containing details of the funding the applicant is to receive during each year of applicant’s proposed course of study.
如果申请人接受某加拿大学校或其它组织的资助,请递交: 详细说明预期学习期间每一年申请人将获得资助的文 件原件。


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