澳洲发布2019-20年财政预算案,这些内容与移民相关 Portfolio Budget Statements 2019-20

飞出国: 昨晚澳洲政府发布了2019-20财年的最新预算案,与移民相关的主要变动总结如下:



  • 副申未能满足副申条件但语言达到雅思4个6或同等水平者,可获得额外加分;
  • 单身主申请人也可获得额外加分,以免受到不公平待遇;
  • 这项调整的目的是想要让单身申请人和配偶英语较好的申请人融入澳洲劳动力市场并发挥最大的潜能

Skilled Migration Points Test – Secondary Skilled Migrants

From November 2019, the Skilled Migration Points Test will be adjusted to award
additional points to primary applicants when their partner has competent English but
does not meet the existing requirements for skilled partner points. Single applicants
will also be awarded additional points to ensure they are not disadvantaged. This
measure is estimated to result in an unquantifiable increase in revenue over the
forward estimates period. The Department of Home Affairs will be provided with
$0.3 million in 2019-20 to implement this measure.

The Skilled Migration Points Test currently awards additional points to primary
applicants where their partner is under 45 years old, has competent English, and has a
skilled occupation applicable for the visa subclass and stream they have been invited
to apply for.

These changes will prioritise applicants who are single or whose partner can
demonstrate competent English



Migration Program Planning level (previously announced)

The Government will reduce the planning level of the Migration Program from 190,000
to 160,000 places for four years from 2019-20.

The outlook for net overseas migration, and consequential impacts on revenue and
expenses, are updated in line with program delivery each Budget update. Therefore,
this measure has no further budget impact.

For the 2019-20 Migration Program, there will be 108,682 places in the Skill stream,
47,732 places in the Family stream, with a combined 3,586 places for Child and Special
Eligibility streams.




  • 新偏远地区雇主担保TR签证(5年期)-2019年11月1号
  • 新偏远地区技术工作TR签证(5年期)-2019年11月1号
  • 新偏远地区TR签证转PR-2022年11月(因为要在偏远地区生活和工作3年)

New Regional Visas (previously announced) – RSMS (Subclass 187) and Skilled Regional (Subclass 489) to go

The Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) and Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional

  • (Provisional) visas will be introduced from 1 November 2019
  • The RSMS (Subclass 187) and Skilled Regional (Subclass 489) will be discontinued
  • ‘Enhanced’ compliance activities will also be implemented for these visas


从2019年7月1日起,政府将对所有签证(访客签证600类别除外)的申请费用上调5.4%,Second instalment的签证费用没有变化。例如学生签证的申请费将上调30澳元,从585澳元上调至615澳元。短期临时工作签证的申请费将上调65澳元,从1205澳元上调至1270澳元。这一调整预计将在2018-19年至2021-2022年间创收2.75亿澳元。对签证费用的调整预计会在2018/19–2021/22为澳洲带来2.75亿澳元的收入。

VACs to increase

  • Base VACs for visa subclasses, except the Visitor Subclass 600, will increase by 5.4% from 1 July 2019
  • No increase to second instalment VACs
  • Expected to increase revenue by $275 million from 2018/19 to 2021/22

Skilling Australians Fund收入减少·飞出国

此前,为了限制雇主担保的签证数量,联盟党针对推出Skilling Australians Fund,即根据TSS482类别、186类别和187类别签证的不同要求,雇主需要在提名申请阶段一次付清所有签证有效期年限的Skilling Australian Contribution。根据雇主营业额(以1000万澳元为例)以及签署申请种类部分,每年所需要支付的贡献金也不同。但是由于申请量大幅下降,四年内的收入会比之前预估的少1.26亿澳元。

Skilling Australians Fund – lower revenue than forecast

The Skilling Australians Fund levy is forecast to collect $126 million less in the four years to 2022-23, than previously forecasted. This reflects lower-than-expected demand for employer nominated visas



  • 在偏远地区(regional campus)毕业,完成本科或研究生课程,并且
  • 持有第一个485签证期间仍然居住在偏远地区,且必须住满2年。


Extension of Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485) visa for regional graduates (previously announced)

An additional 12 month second post-study work visa for international graduates providing a total of three years.

Scholarships for international and domestic students to study in regional Australia for higher education or vocational education qualifications.



Annual cap for WHV (Subclass 462) for Indonesian citizens will be increased from 2,500 to 5,000 over the six years to 2014/25


  • 新抵达的难民只需在获得12个月的收入支助后才需要进入Jobactive服务,比以前的要求增加了6个月。
  • 旨在帮助难民在12个月期间专注于定居和语言援助
  • 如果难民有资格获得Jobactive,他们将在抵达后的任何时间自愿提供充分的就业机会。

Better Targeting of Support for Refugees (previously announced)

  • Newly arrived refugees only required to enter into Jobactive services after receiving income support for 12 months, an increase of 6 months from the previous requirement
  • Designed to assist refugees to focus on settlement and language assistance during that 12 month period
  • Full Jobactive access will be provided to refugees who seek to use its services on a voluntary basis anytime from arrival, provided they are eligible for Jobactive.

飞出国: 总体来说,预算案与移民相关的变化多数已经在之前的移民配额规划中公布了,具体细则还有待明朗,但是支持偏远地区的政策依旧是大势所趋。如今距离大选只有一月左右,若接下来不是自由联盟党执政的话,政策是否有变目前也不好说,我们唯有拭目以待。

相比于澳洲的移民政策,加拿大的移民政策目前来看更加宽松。 其中,技术移民是最稳妥、最快速、花费也是相对最低的移民方式,但从去年开始,随着移民政策的紧缩,移民门槛也是节节攀升;投资移民虽然对申请人的个人条件要求相对较低,但是对于资金的要求较高,并且转PR周期较长(一般在两年左右);因此,对于EOI打分较低,年龄较大(45岁以下),雅思水平4.5分-6分,拥有1-2年以上工作经验的朋友来说,雇主担保移民是最适合的移民途径。感兴趣的小伙伴们赶快联系飞出国详细咨询吧~