魁北克移民2017年申请费发布 December 8, 2016 – New Fee Schedule

飞出国:魁北克移民签证申请费从 2017年1月1日起执行新标准,虽然增加的不多,但支付申请费时一定要注意数额。

Increase in fees levied by the Ministère

As of January 1, 2017, the fees levied by the Ministère will be increased.1 Please consult the table below for
the new fee schedule.

项目-飞出国 之前费用 2017年费用
魁北克投资 C$15,000 C$15,111
魁北克企业家及自雇 C$1,045 C$1,053
魁北克技术移民 C$773 C$779
商业移民外的随行成员 C$166 C$167
永久雇佣认证请求 C$193 C$194

quebec-fees_2017-flyabroad.pdf (38.7 KB)

The increase affects the fees payable under An Act Respecting Immigration to Québec, the Regulation respecting immigration consultants and the Regulation respecting the selection of foreign nationals as well as the fees for an Évaluation comparative des études effectuées hors du Québec (comparative evaluation for studies done outside Québec). The 0,74% adjustment corresponds to the increase in Québec’s consumer price index for the period ending on September 30, 2016. It respects the requirements of Section 83.3 of the Québec government’s Financial Administration Act.