2017 年澳大利亚技术评分标准 Australia General Skilled Migration (GSM) Points test

澳洲技术移民学历加分 Qualifications - 飞出国

澳洲技术移民教育学历(Qualifications)加分是博士 20 分,学士 15 分,专科及其他学历 10 分。可以是澳洲学历也可以是境外的与澳洲学历对等的学历。

中国教育部认可的学历都可以与澳洲学历进行对等,对学位教育签证阶段一般只需要提供教育部学位认证就可以,因为职业评估机构在评估职业时大部分都会首先对从事该职业需要的学历进行评估,某些特殊情况下,澳洲移民部可能要求申请人进一步申请 VETAssess 学历认证 Vocational Education Training and Assessment Services 来进行学历对等的认证。

对博士学位,澳洲技术移民一般只认可相当于4年学制的博士(involving extensive research, coursework, exams and the writing of a thesis/dissertation)。

如果没有本科学士学位只有硕士学位,要想加15分需要认证该硕士学位至少等同于澳洲对本科学士学位要求的学历(at least comparable to Bachelor degree level)。澳洲移民部一般以评估机构的评估为准,评估机构通过了,对应的学历也就默认被认可了。

其他的学历大概可以拿到 10 分。对没有澳洲学历的申请人,学历10分,工作10分,年龄30,也只能申请 489 偏远地区签证。而且从职业评估角度看,本科之下学历只有技工 TRA 是最容易通过的。


You can receive up to 20 points based on your educational qualifications at the time you were invited to apply.

Points can be awarded for your highest tertiary qualification. For example, if you have completed a Bachelor degree and a Doctorate degree, you can receive points for the Doctorate degree.

The relevant assessing authority for your nominated occupation can usually determine whether your qualifications are of a standard that is comparable to a relevant Australian qualification.

If the relevant assessing authority that conducts your skills assessment cannot give you an opinion about your qualifications, contact Vocational Education Training and Assessment Services.

Doctorate Degree

To receive 20 points for a Doctorate you must have met the requirements for an award of doctorate by an Australian educational institution or the award of a Doctorate, by another educational institution, that is comparable to a Doctorate at Australian standards.

A Doctorate generally comprises more than 4 years of study, involving extensive research, coursework, exams and the writing of a thesis/dissertation.

Bachelor Degree

To receive 15 points for having at least a Bachelor degree, you must have met the requirements for an award of Bachelor degree by an Australian educational institution or your qualification must be considered as at least comparable to a Bachelor level at Australian standards.

Note: To receive 15 points for a Masters degree, you must also have a Bachelor degree completed in Australia or overseas, or the Masters degree must be considered as at least comparable to Bachelor degree level at Australian standards.

Australian Diploma or Trade qualifications

You can receive 10 points for an Australian Diploma or Australian trade qualification.

Any other qualification

You can receive 10 points for any other qualification or award which is recognised as suitable for your nominated occupation in your skills assessment by the relevant assessing authority.
