2017 年澳大利亚技术评分标准 Australia General Skilled Migration (GSM) Points test

澳洲技术移民工作经验加分 - 飞出国

澳洲技术移民技术雇佣加分(Skilled employment)与新西兰技术移民的技术雇佣加分有区别,任何澳洲或境外的与提名职业相关的工作经验都可以加分,不需要有澳洲对应的雇主offer,也不需要必须是紧缺职业。里面的几个重点概念飞出国会逐个介绍。


  • Only 20 points can be awarded for any combination of skilled employment in and outside Australia
  • In skilled employment for at least three but less than five years (of the past 10 years)


  • skilled employment in your nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation


澳洲技术移民里相关工作经验的定义是 ANZSCO 代码里前4位代码相同的职业,属于同一个 Unit Group 的,例如 261311 分析程序员和 261313 软件工程师前 4 位代码相同都是 2613 ,属于软件开发职业组,他们就属于相关职业。

飞出国上面特意强调的有效工作经验,因为2013年4月起,ACS 开始在职业评估阶段扣减2-8年年限(澳洲2年本科以上学位的评估时需要有1年毕业后工作经验但不扣减工作年限),2015年1月起 VETAssess 也开始扣减1-3年工作年限(根据专业和所评估的职业确定具体扣减年限)。这样就导致最普通的申请人的工作经验又打折扣,对工作经验不足10的申请人满足近10年内8年工作经验变的更困难。

飞出国认为澳洲对全职工作经验的界定还是相对宽松的,与加拿大每周要求 37.5 小时不同,澳洲只要求申请人每周有 20 小时与提名职业相关的工作经验就可以被认可,这给某些申请人同时提名多个职业提供了可行性,因此飞出国有时建议申请人同时提名多个职业以增大州担保或签证几率,因为州担保的职业清单是基于 ANZSCO 6 位代码的具体职业而不是 4 位的 Unit Group,例如某个州可能只担保 261313 软件工程师但不担保 261311 分析程序员。

Skilled employment

You can receive up to 20 points for skilled employment.

To claim points for skilled employment you must have, in the 10 years before you were invited to apply, at least 20 hours of paid work per week in your nominated skilled occupation and/or a closely related occupation.

Skilled employment is where:

  • the relevant assessing authority provides an opinion in your suitable skills assessment that your employment is skilled (you must use the date that skilled employment commenced stated in your skills assessment)
  • your employment experience meets the standards for skilled employment set by the relevant assessing authority on their website.

Assessing authorities that have publicly available standards on their website that we will refer to for assessing skilled employment are:

If the relevant assessing authority standards for assessing skilled employment does not have publicly available standards that we refer to, your employment experience must meet at least the minimum indicative skill level set by the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). This may apply to occupations which require registration as evidence of a suitable skills assessment.

What is a Closely Related Occupation?

Any periods of employment in a closely related occupation must be undertaken at the equivalent skill level of your nominated occupation. This means that any employment that you claim as ‘closely related’ to your nominated occupation should be:

  • in the same ANZSCO Unit Group. For example, the occupations of Management Accountant and Taxation Accountant are in the same group, or
  • consistent with a career advancement pathway. For example, Accountant to Chief Financial Officer, or
  • where the relevant assessing authority has determined that the employment is closely related to the nominated occupation.

Working at least 20 hours a week

‘Working for at least 20 hours a week’ means 20 hours paid work each week. You may also meet this requirement where your employment provides for variable hours of work that extend beyond a week such as some shift workers and fly in fly out workers.
