2016年7月 anmac 澳洲护士职业评估机构调整英语要求

2016年7月 ANMAC 澳洲护士职业评估机构英语考试新要求

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) 负责澳洲技术移民中护士和助产士类职业的评估,2016年7月1日起该机构对护士类职业技术移民职业评估时的英语语言要求做了调整。

最大的变化是与澳洲移民部看齐,认可 PTE ACADEMICTOEFL iBT 类成绩。同时允许且尽允许6个月内两场考试的成绩拼在一起,例如雅思 IELTS 只认可 A 类,要求是4个7,半年内成绩拼的话单项不能低于6.5,具体要求飞出国总结如下:

考试类别 单项成绩要求 半年内拼成绩的要求
IELTS A类 7 平均7,单项不低于6.5
OET B 听说读写4项均参加,单项不低于C
PTE A 65 平均65,单项不低于 58
TOEFL iBT 听24,读24,写 27,说 23 总分不低于84,单项不低于:听 20,读 19,写 24,说 20

另外,2016年7月1日起,ANMAC 收费标准也有调整。

Migration skills assessment fees

Skills assessment Fee New fee as of 1 July
Full assessment $590.00 $600.00
Modified assessment $420.00 $425.00

Other service fees

Service Fee
Letter of Determination (LOD) reissue $60.00
Professional reference assessment $125.00
Appeal of assessment decision $400.00

Please note, assessment fees do not attract the Goods and Services Tax (GST).


ANMAC is introducing changes to English language Proficiency (ELP) requirements from 1 July 2016 after a review against contemporary information on testing options-

The review took into account:

  • Current ELP requirements from the following agencies:
  • Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA)
  • Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
  • Department of Immigration and Border Protection
  • Requirements from the Department of Education and Training’s Guidelines for skilled migration assessing authorities
  • Benchmarking and research completed by Professor Lesleyanne Hawthorne
  • ELP requirements used by other assessing authorities for health professionals seeking migration
  • Information provided by current and prospective testing agencies

The following requirements for English Language Proficiency will apply from 1 July 2016

IELTS (Academic module)

Applicants must achieve a minimum overall score of 7 AND a minimum score of 7 in each of the four components - listening, reading, writing and speaking.

Changes effective - 1 July 2016

ANMAC only accept test results from one test sitting OR a maximum of two test sittings, in a six-month period only if the applicant achieves:

a) a minimum overall score of 7 in each sitting


b) no score in any component of the test is below 6.5


Applicants must achieve a minimum score of B in each of the four components - listening, reading, writing and speaking.

Changes effective - 1 July 2016

ANMAC only accept test results from one test sitting OR a maximum of two test sittings, in a six-month period only if the applicant:

a) is tested in all four components in each sitting


b) no score in any component of the test is below C

PTE ACADEMIC Accepted - effective 1 July 2016

Applicants must achieve a minimum overall score of 65 AND a minimum score of 65 in each of the four communicative skills - listening, reading, writing and speaking.

ANMAC only accept test results from one test sitting OR a maximum of two test sittings, in a six-month period only if the applicant achieves:

a) a minimum overall score of 65 in each sitting


b) no score in any of the four communicative skills is below 58

TOEFL iBT Accepted - effective 1 July 2016

Applicants must achieve a minimum total score of 94 AND the following minimum score in each section of the test:

  • 24 listening
  • 24 reading
  • 27 writing
  • 23 speaking

ANMAC only accept test results from one test sitting, OR a maximum of two test sittings in a six-month period only if the applicant achieves:

a) a minimum total score of 94 in each sitting
b) no score in any of the sections is below:

  • 20 listening
  • 19 reading
  • 24 writing
  • 20 speaking

ANMAC will not be offering waivers/text exemptions for ELP- Internationally qualified nurses and midwives seeking a waiver/test exemption are able to apply for a modified skills assessment after having their ELP assessed by AHPRA/NMBA for registration- Modified skills assessments do not require the submission of English language test results.

Frances Rice

Manager International Services
29 June 2016