塔州 190 州担保技术移民要求(澳洲塔斯马尼亚州) Tasmanian Nomination Criteria

对塔州留学毕业生,在塔州当地学校实际读书一年(46周)的 CRICOS 注册课程,职业在 CSOL 上就有机会申请塔州州担保。

去塔州留学一年,成功移民,在塔州定居一年后可以担保其他直系亲属,兄弟姐妹,堂兄弟姐妹,侄子外甥都可以担保,随后可以开个公司,给远亲提供 offer 。:grinning:

If you are a Tasmanian Graduate:

  • Studied full-time and on-site in a Tasmanian tertiary institution for a minimum of one academic year (46 weeks);
  • Both the course and institution are CRICOS registered.
  • Nominated occupation on the Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL);
  • Genuine intention to live and work in Tasmania.
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