
Health examinations


You might be required to undergo health examinations as part of the visa application process. A report containing the results of these examinations will then be assessed to determine if you meet the health requirement.


Note: From 20 November 2015 new immigration health arrangements are in place.

Important: In addition to the standard health examination requirements explained below, additional health examinations can also be requested for applicants in certain countries where considered necessary to address public health and safety risks. For example, to help prevent the spread of Polio or Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) infection.


Permanent and provisional visa applicants


The table below outlines health examinations that you and any members of your family unit (whether migrating or not) will generally be required to undertake for your provisional or permanent visa application.


* If you have already undertaken your health examinations for a provisional visa which has already been granted, you are generally not required to undertake health examinations again at the permanent visa stage.

* 如果您已经进行过健康检查,并且已经拿到了您的临时签证,在申请永久签证时,将不需要再进行健康检查。

**Tuberculin Skin Test (TST); Interferon-Gamma Release Assay (IGRA).
** 结核菌素皮试;γ干扰素释放试验。

Important: Additional health examinations may be requested where considered appropriate on clinical grounds. You will also be required to complete additional tests if you:


  • are aged 15 or over and are intending to work as (or study to be) a doctor, dentist, nurse or paramedic in Australia (hepatitis B and C testing will also be required)
  • 15岁或以上,打算在澳大利亚从事(学习)医生、牙医、护士或护理人员(需要进行乙肝和丙肝测试)
  • are aged 15 or over and applying for an onshore protection type visa (hepatitis B and C tests and syphilis testing will be required)
  • 15岁或以上,申请陆上保护类签证(需要进行乙肝、丙肝测试和梅毒测试)
  • are aged 15 or over and applying for a refugee type visa (syphilis testing and additional tests where requested to address specific health risks will be required)
  • 15岁或以上,申请难民签证类型(在要求解决具体的健康风险的地方,需要进行梅毒测试和额外的测试)
  • are pregnant and intend to have the baby in Australia (hepatitis B testing will also be required)
  • 怀孕了,打算在澳大利亚生宝宝的(需要进行乙肝测试)
  • are a child for adoption or a child in the care of an Australian state or territory government welfare authority (HIV and hepatitis B testing is required)
  • 在澳大利亚的一个州或领地政府福利机构收养或照顾孩子(需要进行艾滋病病毒和乙肝检测)
  • have a specific health condition that is identified during your initial health examinations or as part of the visa application process.
  • 在最初的健康检查或申请签证的过程中,被诊断为特殊健康状况的

Temporary visa applicants


If you are applying for a temporary visa, the type of health examination you need to undergo will depend on a number of factors including:


  • the type of visa that you are applying for
  • 您所申请的签证类型
  • the length of your intended stay in Australia
  • 您在澳大利亚逗留的时间
  • your country level of tuberculosis risk as explained below
  • 下面将要介绍的贵国的肺结核风险水平
  • your intended activities in Australia
  • 您打算在澳大利亚进行的活动
  • any special circumstances that may be applicable, and/or
  • 可能会出现的特殊情况,和/或
  • the presence of any significant medical conditions.
  • 可能出现的任何重大的医疗。

If you have already lodged a visa application, you will be advised by our online systems or your case officer which health examinations you are required to complete.

If you have not yet lodged a visa application, the information provided below will help you determine what health examinations (if any) you are likely to be asked to complete.

Note: if you want to complete your health examinations before lodging a visa application, you will need to use our My Health Declarations service first which will tell you which health examinations (if any) are required based on the information in the tables below, and the information that you enter in your My Health Declarations form. Ensure you answer the questions in this form carefully so that the correct health examinations are generated for you where possible.

注: 如果您想在提交签证申请前,完成您的健康检查,您将会需要我们的“我的健康声明”服务。它将会根据下表中的信息以及您在我的健康声明表格中所填的信息,来告诉您需要参加哪种健康体检(如果有的话)。所以,请仔细填写该表格中的问题,以便为您提供尽可能正确的健康体检建议。

What health examinations are required for my temporary visa application?


The table below outlines the health examinations that you will generally be required to undertake for your temporary visa application. It is, however, important to be aware that:

  • if your health is considered to be of special significance, because you are undertaking certain activities in Australia, you will be required to complete additional health examinations as explained further below
  • 如果您的健康问题 非常重要,因为您将要参加澳大利亚某项特殊的活动,您将需要参加额外的健康检查,我们将在下面进行进一步的解释。
  • if you have already been in Australia in the last 28 days, we include any time you have already spent in Australia when determining the length of stay for your new visa application from a health perspective, and
  • 如果在过去的28天,您已经在澳大利亚,我们从您的健康角度考虑,将包括您已经在澳大利亚所逗留的所有的时间,从您决定新的签证申请的长度开始计算,和
  • you might be required to complete additional tests if you have a specific health condition that is identified during your initial health examinations or as part of the visa application process.
  • 如果在您最初的健康检查或申请签证的的过程中,被确定为特殊健康状况,您需要完成额外的测试。

Which countries do not require immigration health examinations?

哪些国家 需要移民健康检查?

The countries below, which are lower risk in terms of TB, do not generally need to complete immigration health examinations for a temporary visa unless special significance applies:

Albania; American Samoa; Andorra; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Aruba; Australia; Austria; Bahamas; Bahrain; Barbados; Belgium; Belize; Bermuda; Bonaire; Bouvet Island; Bulgaria; Canada; Cayman Islands; Chile; Christmas Island; Cocos (Keeling) Islands; Cook Islands; Costa Rica; Croatia; Cuba; Curacao; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Dominica; Egypt; Estonia; Falkland Islands; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; French Polynesia; FYR Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia); Germany; Gibraltar; Greece; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Heard and McDonald Islands; Hungary; Iceland; Iran; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Jordan; Kosovo; Kuwait; Lebanon; Lichtenstein; Luxembourg; Malta; Mauritius; Mexico; Monaco; Montenegro; Montserrat; Netherlands; Netherlands Antilles; New Caledonia; New Zealand; Niue; Norfolk Island; Norway; Oman; Palestinian Authority; Pitcairn Island; Poland; Portugal; Puerto Rico; Reunion Island; Saint Eustatius & Saba; Saint Helena (Ascension and Tristan da Cunha); Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Martin (Dutch); Samoa; San Marino; Saudi Arabia; Serbia; Seychelles; Slovakia; Slovenia; South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands; Spain; Svalbard & Jan Mayen; Sweden; Switzerland; Tokelau; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Tunisia; Turkey; Turks and Caicos Islands; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom (British citizen); United States of America; Uruguay; Vatican City; Virgin Islands (British); Virgin Islands (US); Wallis and Fortuna Islands.

阿尔巴尼亚;美属萨摩亚;安道​​尔;安提瓜和巴布达;阿根廷;阿鲁巴;澳大利亚;奥地利;巴哈马;巴林;巴巴多斯;比利时;伯利兹;百慕大;博内尔;布维岛;保加利亚;加拿大;开曼群岛;智利;圣诞岛;科科斯;库克群岛;哥斯达黎加;克罗地亚;古巴;库拉索;塞浦路斯;捷克共和国;丹麦;多米尼加;埃及;爱沙尼亚;福克兰群岛;法罗群岛;芬兰;法国;法属波利尼西亚;马其顿(前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国);德国;直布罗陀;希腊;格林纳达;瓜德罗普岛;赫德岛;匈牙利;冰岛;伊朗;爱尔兰;以色列;意大利;牙买加;日本;约旦;科索沃;科威特;黎巴嫩;列支敦士登;卢森堡;马耳他;毛里求斯;墨西哥;摩纳哥;黑山;蒙特塞拉特;荷兰;荷属安的列斯;新喀里多尼亚;新西兰;纽埃;诺福克岛;挪威;阿曼;巴勒斯坦民族权力机构;皮特凯恩岛;波兰;葡萄牙;波多黎各;留尼汪岛;圣尤斯特歇斯和萨巴;圣赫勒拿(阿森松岛和特里斯坦 - 达库尼亚群岛);圣基茨和尼维斯;圣卢西亚;圣马丁(荷兰);萨摩亚;圣马力诺;沙特阿拉伯;塞尔维亚;塞舌尔;斯洛伐克;斯洛文尼亚;南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛;西班牙;斯瓦尔巴群岛和扬马延;瑞典;瑞士;托克劳;汤加;特立尼达和多巴哥;突尼斯;火鸡;特克斯和凯科斯群岛;阿拉伯联合酋长国;英国(英国公民);美国;乌拉圭;梵蒂冈城;维尔京群岛(英国);维尔京群岛(美国);瓦利斯和福图纳群岛。

The countries list above is based on the World Health Organization (WHO) data and is included in a legislative instrument signed by the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection.

Which countries do require immigration health examinations?


Countries which are not listed above require health examinations to be completed where indicated in the table above. This is because they are considered higher risk in terms of TB.

Does special significance apply to me?


If one or more of the special significance situations in the table below applies to you, you will also generally be required to undertake the listed additional health examinations, subject to age considerations.


Special significance situations Additional health examinations required
You are from a higher TB-risk country and likely to enter a health care or hospital environment. Chest x-ray examination (if aged 11 or over) and a medical examination
You are pregnant and intend to have the baby in Australia Hepatitis B test
You intend to work as (or study to be) a doctor, dentist, nurse or paramedic. Chest x-ray and medical examinations HIV, hepatitis B and C blood tests
You are likely to work (or be a trainee) at an Australian childcare centre (including preschools and creches). Chest x-ray and a medical examination
You are aged 75 years or older and applying for a Visitor visa (subclass 600 and 676 only). Medical examination

特殊情况 需要额外的健康检查
您来自于一个高结核病的国家,有可能进入保健或医院。 胸部X光检查(11岁及以上)和体检
您是孕妇,打算在澳大利亚生宝宝的 乙肝检测
您打算从事(或学习)*医生、牙医、护士或护理人员 * 胸部X光检查及医学检查艾滋病毒,乙肝和丙肝的血液测试
您可能在 澳大利亚儿童保育中心(包括幼儿园和托管所)工作(或实习) 胸部X光和体检
您75岁或以上,并申请访客签证(子类只有600和676)。 体检